The girl with the headphones- a poem

The girl with the headphones picture from: @craniodsgn She keeps those mesmerizing thoughts handy She holds her free spirit close to her heart Unfathomable and often misunderstood She is that intricate piece of art She puts those thoughts on, like headphones And forthwith she’s in a wonderland Exuberant and euphoric She sees you can’t understand For a second, step away from judgement Don’t throw comments obliviously She might not fit into your ‘normal’ But don’t question her sanity There’s a bigger picture than eyes can see There are more perspectives than you can take That seemingly fragile girl Carries the kind of grit you can’t shake She was born to heal the wounded Little do you know she can calm the hurricane She puts on her headphones And brings life to tasks previously mundane What is being sane after all? Hiding who you are to not be labelled ‘too much’? Or is it sane to express your j...