Still gain ground- a poem

Still gain ground Imagine waking up a fine morning But your window still shows night You have breakfast and get ready for work But still no trace of a single speck of light As if the sun forgot to show up When you expected to have a bright day Every other commitment retains its schedule Just not a sole sign of ray Those bubbles of anxiety in my chest multiply When I expect a little more Got mad at you and locked my room Still haven’t heard a single knock on the door You know I expect you like sun Every day you brighten me How did you manage to not show up When you knew darkness would frighten me But I’m learning that I’m my own solace I’m embracing being wise Streetlight operation I’ve just been taught Because I know the sun won’t always rise My headphones, my only dependable best friends And my music: a best friend’s rant If my body is a not-for-profit cooperation Then dance is my biggest gra...