
Showing posts from February, 2024

On a whim-a poem

  On a whim Why am I fearful in poetry In words that are my very own My secret scary demanding dreams My thoughts when I am alone   Be my guest, fill my damn pool with love Except that it’s an ocean On my cozy sweater of memories Weave me your emotion   My anxiety discomforts me like a headache But your touch can change everything Hug me warm in my tears Bring me breakfast in bed and sing   My asks and demands and requests My stubborn silly temperament My mature deep discussions My emotional need to vent   On most occasions I’m convinced I’ll be alone Sometimes I win But even when I get it all I throw it away on a whim   And that is why I am fearful in poetry In words that are my very own My secret scary demanding dreams My thoughts when I am alone -Maithili

Another chore that makes me tired- a poem

  Another chore that makes me tired When I’ve hustled to a frazzle and subscribed to a million commitments that enmesh me I thought when I come home to you, your touch was supposed to refresh me You said there is no trouble a good intercourse cannot mend There must be something wrong with me for I am just waiting for it to end Sleeping with you doesn’t feel like a refuge from my other work If you’re so horny, I’d rather you go to the restroom and jerk This feels like another job, and I’m desperate to get fired Getting in bed with you has just become another chore that makes me tired -Maithili

A message to my friends back home- a poem

 A message to my friends back home Send me a text today I know we haven’t chatted in a long while Don’t tell me you’re busy today Because my to-do list isn’t a page, it’s a pile   Let’s discuss a problem today And one thing that is going right You tell me how much you want me there And I’ll tell you I need a hug so tight   I’ll rant about the stupid supervisor While you tell me how you’ll punch her face And when you tell me how you feel you’re running too slow I’ll scream “Honey life is not a race”   I’ll tell you about my romantic life And you can remind me of the whore me When you describe how awfully single you are I’ll promise you’ll still get married before me   Tell me you’ll take a flight to come feed me If I don’t eat well everyday Let’s crack some silly jokes together Homie, Let’s cry a little today -Maithili

A friend to all is a friend to none- a poem

  A friend to all is a friend to none Because unicorns can write stories too They can write that I left you behind like CN Tower from the window of the train I’m painfully hard to impress while you were everyone’s to attain Your tinsel beauty shined under the sun and people got pictures standing beside We all thought you were a marvel, none of us knew what was inside   So naïve, I assumed you were only mine to touch and I poured my trust But CN Tower is renowned for entertaining every tourist’s lust They write that every time you caressed me, it’ll live on me as an indelible stain So, I left you behind like CN Tower from the window of the train   Because I don’t share my people and you’re a community commodity Laughing, dancing, drinking, and sleeping with every other woman in the city I’m too special to be special to someone like you Because unicorns can write stories too -a white unicorn with a rainbow horn -Maithili